Modifying the game on PC (Windows / Steam version)

Last modification: 196 days, 10 hours ago

PC version of the game is the most suitable and convenient for making mods or custom maps.

You can modify every resource file or asset here but remember that such mods won't be available on the mobile platforms. While global mods will not get an official support, you may still want to play with them for an entertainment or educational purposes.

This documentation will cover only creation and modification of regular levels. Global modifications / modification of game's resources is not a subject of this documentation and is not suggested unless you are fully aware of your actions.


You will need any text editor with syntax highlighting. Do not use the regular Notepad app, it has line break / charset issues.

Suggested editors:

Make a copy of the game and enable modding mode

  1. First of all, get Infinitode 2 for free from Steam and download it.

    For now, only beta branch on Steam has modding support so make sure to select this branch in properties of the game in your Steam library. Modding support will also be available for the regular version starting with 1.8.7

  2. Go to your Steam Library and right-click on Infinitode 2 in the list. Click "Properties...", select "LOCAL FILES" tab and then click on "Browse..." to open the folder where the game has been installed.
  3. Create an empty folder somewhere (for simplicity, we'll call it C:/I2Mod) and copy everything from the game's installation folder there. Make sure infinitode-2.exe file is located at C:/I2Mod/infinitode-2.exe. From now on, modify only the files located in C:/I2Mod1
  4. Create new file C:/I2Mod/steam_appid.txt, open it with your favourite text editor, write 937310 there and save it. You can also rename / make a copy of steam_appid_example.txt located there.

    Without the steam_appid.txt file, executing infinitode-2.exe will launch the game through Steam from the Steam library and not C:/I2Mod

  5. Create new file C:/I2Mod/mod_id.txt, open it with your favourite text editor, write any name for your mod (for example, test) there and save it. You can also rename / make a copy of mod_id_example.txt located there and change its contents.

    Adding the mod_id.txt file will enable 'modding' mode which will allow you to open the terminal, item editor and map editor for the regular levels. It will also make the game use different files to save your progress to make sure it won't do harm to your regular account2.

Run the modified game

Now if you double click on C:/I2Mod/infinitode-2.exe the game will launch from the newly created folder and use all of the resources from there.

Although the game has built-in console, you may also want to see the full output of the game (for example, if the game crashes and it is not possible to view the in-game console):

  1. Enter C:/I2Mod folder, hold Shift and right-click on any empty space
  2. Select Open PowerShell window / terminal here, your default Windows terminal will open
  3. Enter .\infinitode-2.exe into the terminal and hit Enter

You will still be able to play the original (unmodified) version of the game without the need of re-installing it or checking integrity of local files, just launch it through Steam.


Further reading

  1. Pro tip: create subfolders named after the version of the game / your modding projects if you want to keep multiple builds of the game. For example, C:/I2Mod/1.8.6 or C:/I2Mod/HDTextures 

  2. In normal conditions, the game will store your progress in the (windows user)/.prefs/com.prineside.tdi2._prefV1.* files. Modding mode will use different files: (windows user)/.prefs/com.prineside.tdi2._prefV1.*.mod-(mod id), you can use different mod ids in mod_id.txt to store separate saved games